Episode 67 – “One Extraordinary Nutsack!”

Old Dude on a ScooterSo, obviously my surgery was a no go… damned worthless nurses! Oh, well. I get to see Hellboy and Batman when they come out… that is all that really matters! Stephen and I had an interesting last week. It is hard to believe he was just here! Alas, no he is back in FL, and we are left with audio issues. So lame. I guess it is better then battle bot granny style, skinned cat hats, shooting your kneecap off to get a mouse, and falling under a car for two days while no one notices you are gone…
This episode is dedicated to Vash’s friend Steve. We are praying for your recovery <3

Factoid of the Week:
Only two people actually signed the Declaration of Independence on the 4th of July

Battle of the Grannies
Overstaying Your Welcome?
Of Mice and WoMen
Bullet Proof Lunch Box
Cat and the Hat
Mr Methane
Arsonist Stripper…
If they’d have been a snake, they’d a bit me

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 56:28

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

3 thoughts on “Episode 67 – “One Extraordinary Nutsack!””

  1. ROFL the intro was hysterical. My laughing almost scared the storms away. Those crazy squirrels haha.
    Ah rats I missed you guys streaming by one hour, I kept thinking it was 7 est cause I went to go work out, darn.

  2. It’s okay you missed us! We’ll do the same thing next week and it will be just as awesome!
    Hancock was so NOT good, but Hellboy on the other hand was a whole lot of fun. Easily AS good as the first one. Ron Perlman is awesome 🙂

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