Episode 74 – “Cute People Don’t Poop”

Here we are again with another episode that is Ashley-less, but that does NOT mean that it is fun-less! We had an absolute blast doing this show and loved the chat room participation this week. Major thanks to Vash and his little brother for lending us the Factoid of the Week sound. They did some great work and we loved it. This weeks episode is incredibly funny and has everything from a fearless cockapoo to underwire wielding suspected terrorists! Download and enjoy!

Factoid of the Week:
In 2000, Italian pastry chefs built an edible Ferrari out of 40,000 cream pies

Bitch Saves Kid
Diaper Saves Kid!
Robbers Become Givers
Busty Babe Deflates
If only Goldilocks had a cockapoo. <— submitted by Vash
Doggy Style
Rat Burgers
I didnt know they did…
Slow and Trashy Wins the Race

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 56:56

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