As it stands now… Stephen is kicking my ASS for NaNoWriMo. Am I pleased about this? No… but I am also lazy and not sure which one of the 500 stories I have to write on. It makes me feel a bit better that I have more ideas than he does… but he also works more than I do… so I should bloody have more words than he does!? So, what do you guys think? Should I go SciFi, Urban Fantasy, or just something totally off the wall and Romancey? I forget what Stephen was writing about. I hope he finishes it, though. He tends to write an amazing 10 pages and then just leaves everyone hanging. Because he is a Jerk…
Factoid of the Week
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
Vote for Hospice of Southern WV in Pepsi’s Refreshing Ideas! Help this facility win so they can continue to help people with terminal illnesses!
Time Traveler?
One Rod is Enough
Tom Tom Strikes Again!
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Running Time: 1:08:51