Episode 286 – Diagnosis HnH

http://www.eryckwebbgraphics.com/So, it’s balls cold outside and I decided that 30 degrees and a 14 degree wind chill was an excellent day in which to take a couple mile walk. In my defense, it is absolutely gorgeous outside today. First cloudless day we have had in ages… it just happens to be a very nippy day, so I am not entirely sure that I received any vitamin D from sunlight touching my skin… because you couldn’t even tell I had skin I was so bundled up. Seriously, though… I’m kind of done with winter. If it could just piss off, that would be excellent.
Factoid of the Week:
Bananas are Radioactive! Potassium-40 is a radioactive isotope of potassium. Before you start burying your bananas in a lead-lined coffin though, you should probably be aware that you’d have to eat roughly 5,000,000 of the things to get anything near radiation sickness.

Monster Toys Banned
Florida Stunner
Woman Breastfeeds puppy
10-yr-old Smashes Through DMV

Words of Wisdom:
“Always take a banana to a party.” ― Steven Moffat

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Running Time: 55:12

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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