Episode 431 – Defense Against the Dark Farts

If you have a habit of sleeping with someone, you’ve probably had a less than enjoyable night’s sleep caused by the tempest whirling around beside you. They get hot and fling the covers off, they cannot rest and so begins a night of crocodile death rolls, or they have a wild dream and end up slapping you across the face.

Jacob has fallen into all three of these categories at some point (all annoying), but last night is my favorite so far. He was in the throws of pretending he was some sort of tornado, when he rolled over (with some gusto) and smashes his forearm into my face… while screaming incoherently at me.

Slightly irked, (since I was half asleep while being throttled), I took his arm and held it down while he shouted. After he gathered his bearings, I asked why he felt compelled to strike me and he informed me that someone was trying to abuse a dog…. sexually… and he was striking the lady to keep her away… and then he bellowed “meat pie” and fell back to sleep.

The British aristocracy have it right, kids… keep your own room and sleep alone.

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Factoid of the Week:
The word “dragon” comes from the Greek word “draconta,” which means “to watch.” The Greeks saw dragons as beasts that guarded valuable items. In fact, many cultures depict dragons as hoarding treasure.

Spain’s new submarine ‘too big for its dock’
Woman gets 15 days in jail for harvesting conchs in Key West
Man who had sex with horse said it gave consent by winking at him
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Words of Wisdom:
Always speak politely to an enraged Dragon. -Steven Brust 

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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