Episode 33 – “I Can’t Run! I Have Flip Flops On!

Thirty-three episodes down, and only one million catrillion baziollion to go! At least, we hope… because then we would be immortal, and that would be nice. Here at Horseshoes and Hand Grenades, we have been pumping out quality episodes since the dawn of time (ignore the fact that there was no podcasting when Jesus walked the earth), and we are proud to have you as listeners! Feel free to email us and tell us what you think about this week’s hilarious episode filled with a man marrying a dog, hookers for the disabled, getting high off poo, and bears stealing cars for SUC. (Viva la FUR!)
Factoid of the Week:
It takes about 3 1/2 hours for sound waves to travel from San Francisco to New York

Man Marries Dog<—Submitted by voodoosnowflakes
SOAPBOX! School bans Christmas cards!
Because sex is as important as breathing 0_o

Don’t watch pr0n in your CAR!

Airline security arrests infamous SALAD MAN!

Top 10 Things NOT to Shoot

Kids resort to huffing poo for a natural high
<— Submitted by Frankie U.
Sex you can eat!
Pedophile employed at kindergarten!
Cows Flee After Seeing Micky DeeZ <— Submitted by VoodooSnowFlakes
Kid suspended for drawing “evil things” <—– Submitted by Frankie U
Bear steals car!

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Running Time: 1 Hour

Episode 32 – “I Wish I Had A Pouch Like A Kangaroo…I’d Put Candy Corn In It”

So, Stephen was hyped up on coffee and I was sipping tea for this episode… and we all know what happens when caffeine combines with Horseshoes and Hand Grenades! At one point, I was pretty sure I was going to spit green tea all over my poor laptop, but thankfully I was able to compose myself and continue reading through our stories. Stephen and I found a lot of wacky stories this week including an eight-limbed toddler, a woman who bit her boyfriends lip OFF, a gorilla who was switched out for a stripper, and 2,500 gallons of liquefied hog poo. Ugh.
Toddler with EIGHT Limbs
Tunnels are boring

Destined to be alone?

The World has gone BANANAS!
Kid gets detention for hugging…enter the SOAPBOX!
This stuff never happened when I was in school
Bill of $0.00
Once bitten
2,500 gallons of spilt hog poo
Flying Cows

Dope arrested for possesion… of dope

Assault with a deadly….Frying Pan?!

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Running Time: 1 Hour

Episode 31 – “I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse, and All I Got Was This Stupid Podcast”

Man! The last few days have been intense! Stephen and I managed to rid our hometowns of the Zombie menace, but on a downside we couldn’t raise Demon Face to help host the show. Apparently, he was pissed because we didn’t do the show on Friday and he had a date with Satan’s daughter… Whatever, I hope it sucked. This show was amazingly hilarious. Stephen and I were both kind of tired from all the Zombie slaying, but it made us mega funny and slap happy. Good times! We’ve got Zombies passed out on trains, the final story on the infamous smoker leg, a man pooing in Micky Dee’s, and another man that beat up a dead body! This month has been insane, and we are stoked that you guys stick with us for every episode.
Factoid of the Week:
Sharks are immune to every disease…including Cancer

Aliens Set Fires In Italy
Zombies Don’t Drink!
Disappearing Sheep Show

Ketchup > Guns
The Great Pickle Caper!

More info on the LEG!

Bad Day^5

Man Poos in Mickey Dees
Dentists Dances

Kinky Knitwear
Invincible naked man runs loose in Super 8 Motel!
Crazy man beats the crap out of a dead body!

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Running Time: 1 Hour

Episode 30 LIVE – “Does It Come With A Warm, Wet Hole Attachment?”

Ok, this was the most entertaining episode we have ever done! As a celebration for being around for THIRTY weeks, we decided another live episode was needed. We had a few technical issues at first (go figure), but it eventually panned out nicely and everyone had a blast! Thanks to everyone who participated in our live event… you guys are amazing and we expect you back for our big four-oh. We’ve got listerner WTF’s, Lobsters desperados, a police chief that is ready for a Zombie invasion, naked sleep walkers, and a 4-year-old with a post-it problem.
Factoid of the Week
Sherlock Holmes NEVER said, “Elementary, my dear Watson.”

This show brought to you by the awesome people who joined our show. Many of which are members of the Massassi forums and the NeS project at http://forums.massassi.net Check it Out!

Lobsters on the lamb
Hero fined for saving older woman
Shopkeep ignores armed robber
Teens get in trouble for being naughty
Parenting skills 101<—Submitted by Frankie U
Woman stabs tied-up lover to drink his blood
Jerry Springer’s show line up
How to “handle” naked sleepwalkers
Post It note stapled to 4th graders head<—Submitted by Frankie U
Men should not play with dolls

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Running Time: 1 Hour

Episode 29 – “These Teeth Will NOT Come Off!”

Well, I was terrified that the show was not going to happen tonight… because I CEMENTED fake vampire teeth to my actual teeth. As much fun as that sounds, they pierced my bottom lip, made me slur, and totally aren’t as white as my actual teeth. But, Stephen punched me in the face, and the fangs (and a few of my real teeth) popped right out!. Good thing, too, because we have another follow up on Wood’s leg, oral sex in politics (no wai!), and a woman who stole her boyfriends gonads!
Factoid of the Week:
Belgians once tried to deliver mail using cats. (it didn’t work)

Man single-handedly contributes to overpopulation
Why did 3000 chickens cross the road?
A Bwahahah moment
Cops love stupid people
Woman charged for spouting obscenities at a toilet
Free breast exam with every visit!
Amputated leg story gets even more crazy!
Nigerian woman accused of stealing her boyfriends genitals!
If you like oral sex, vote for this guy!
Couple makes burglar clean their house at gunpoint!
Thieves move into a woman’s home while she’s away
Most independent 6 year old ever….or at least he tried to be

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Running Time: 1 Hour

Episode 28 – “Geese Don’t Have Love, They Have Eggs”

Heelllloooooo, and welcome back to your favorite (it IS your favorite, and these are NOT the droids you are looking for) podcast of all time! This week turned out a lot of really goofy news that Stephen and I were more than happy to scoop up and spit back at you in delicious podcast form. The munch a moth campaign hits Australia, an ostrich pwns two boys with image issues, and cat pee: is it the next drug craze?
Factoid of the Week:
The slowest mammal on earth is the three-toed sloth. It’s top speed is 6 to 8 feet per minute

A mother’s bad memory won 2.4 million
Australians urged to eat moths
How to end a relationship:
Door to Door Salesmen donates kidney
Pop Quiz: are 1 million $ bills real?
SUC’s smear campaign
Cat pee: the next marijuana
Ostrich murdered by man with no penis
Skanky Nurse Serial Killers
Doughnut thief to get 30 years
Bible Knock Out
Drunk Ambulance Driver

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Running Time: 55 Minutes

Episode 27 – “Holy Crap Comes From Holy Cows”

This is our first episode for the month of October, and we are stoked to bring you another month of strange events, dummies, and really gross tidbits of news. We’ve got a follow up on a man’s severed leg, Mr. Potato Head’s ecstasy addiction, and one violent gay peacock! If Ashley sounds distracted at any point it is because Phantom Hourglass released on Monday… and drained her SOUL!
Factoid of the Week:
The calories in a bagel with cream cheese can run an electric toothbrush for 52 hours 20 minutes!

Brazilian Woman Births Own Grandchildren
Flexible Woman wins car by sucking its nipples

Ecstacy found in Mr. Potato Head’s Ass!
FOLLOW UP! Man seeks custody of severed leg!
Fighting Nuns o_O
Lord Mayor attacks tomato
A little mouse with your beans?
Man eats 20 POUNDS of grits
Gay peacock molests lexus
Woman runs over her own legs at McDonald’s drive thru
Cops afraid of the Big Bad Bic
Pr0n in the Legislature
Who steals toilet paper?

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Running Time: 1 Hour

Episode 26 – “It’s Like A Swiss Army Knife Of Religion!”

Stephen and Ashley are back with another hilarious, disgusting, and moral teaching episode. We actually had a special guest appearance from Captain Jim Doogan this evening! Other than a little incident with Stephen being tied up, the show went off without a hitch. I will NEVER get tired of saying that… We’ve got a leg in a pressure cooker, a new Wii + Maryjane package, bathing in toilets and, why I will never move to Germany. Enjoy the awesomeness 😀
Factoid of the Week:
Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to boil a half gallon of water

Air China
Why Ashley is NOT moving to Germany
Wang and King arrive in Bangkok to play with BALLS
Female Ninjas Rob Convenience Store!
More proof that children are idiots
Iguana’s hidey-hole
Math IS helpful!
Cooked foot, anyone? <— Submitted by Frankie U.
Rotten meat closes highway <— Submitted by Max @ analogmedium.com
Man steals a Wii, returns it with marijuana for an apology
Man saws house in half
No good cough goes unpunished
A pleasant drive

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Running Time: 55 Minutes

Episode 25 – “My Ear Hurts”

Well, we are releasing this a tad late on Friday, but Stephen just had to go see RE (and apparently regretted it), and we all know what happens when Stephen is tired. Since this is a late night show strap yourself in for a lot of gratuitous boob mentioning, lip biting, and lightening sex! Look for ward to a listener “WTF”, and me chucking my cat across the computer room after I stop her from marching on my bladder. Grrr.
UPDATE: OOPS! Stephen screwed up in the mix down and left a sound check track in the mp3! It’s been reposted as of Saturday night. Thanks Frankie for point out that Stephen’s an idiot 🙂

Factoid of the Week:
Fully grown, Argentina’s Falabella horses are only 16 inches tall. They’re the smallest horses on earth!

Girl gets excited and bites off boyfriend’s lip!
Two girls fight for their right to bear boobies!
A Stephen Siting!
Attention Seniors: Please carry ID <—- Submitted by Chris Griffin
Couple learns they have been cheating online with EACH OTHER!

Chris Crocker gets a Reality TV deal!??! WTF!?!
Biker’s Penis hit by lightning!!
Old guy gets teeth stolen in bar fight
Restaurant lets you have sex with food BEFORE you eat it
Zombies for realZ!<— submitted by Max @ analogmedium.com
German guy smuggles sex toys out of Germany inside sausages!
Man puts venemous snake in his mouth, guess what happened <— submitted by Frankie U
Idiot sends text message to police trying to sell “reefer”
Assault with a deadly onion!

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Running Time: 53 Minutes

Episode 24 – “Does a One Legged Duck Swim in a Circle?”

We haven’t found any one-legged ducks in our travels across the vast information dump that is the internet this week, BUT we did find some toe licking phone thieves! Stephen invited him over at one point and it just started getting weird when he duct-tapped us up and made us take off our shoes… Either way, we still persevered and made this show just for you! (If at any point we giggle for no reason during the show… that would be the toe-licker).
Factoid of the Week
Average speed of a golf ball in flight during the PGA Tour: 160 mph

Mugger pwnd by blind man
Procreate and you may win a free car!
Guy sets fire to his car over that which matters most….a soccer game
Toe licking bandit strikes small town Minnesota
Confused cop
Taiwanese woman’s BOOB explodes!
Just… ew
French service makes crap up for horny folks!
Man injects love interest with BLOOD
Mean boss fires a guy for being awesome
Inmates upset over lack of sausage!
Man steals a car to turn himself in!
Trio gets hooked on fake heroin

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Running Time: 50 Minutes