Episode 57 – “Is That A Podcast In Your Pocket Or…”

My kitchen has exploded. I don’t mean a dish here and there… I mean full out, supernova, atom bomb, enough c-4 to level the planet, exploded. It has even thrown debris as far as my room. If anyone would care to volunteer to come tidy my apartment (ie fill it with water and swish it around for a bit), they would be more than welcome to. If not, you are still more than welcome to listen to the awesome show we have lined up for you this evening! We have the ultimate fight between lesbians and lesbos (what!?), the perks of supporting net neutrality (free sex!), and why you should not have sex with cows… Yeah.

Factoid of the Week:
Persian King Xerxes I punished stormy waters by having them whipped 300 times

Lesbians Rise Up Against Lesbos!
There’s a health care plan I can agree with

Moron tries to cash $360 Billion check

Premature BBQ

Sexy Belgian wants to free you of virginity…as long as you support a free interweb

“Dude, check out that heffer..she is so HOT!”

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Stupid Kid Comes Up With Stupid Plan

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 57:34

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

3 thoughts on “Episode 57 – “Is That A Podcast In Your Pocket Or…””

  1. Thanks for listening, Coleman!
    I’m glad to know there is somebody else out there who plays DnD. Sometimes I feel so alone ;P. I’m actually not playing right now, at least not until 4.0 comes out. That’s going to be awesome.

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