My kitchen has exploded. I don’t mean a dish here and there… I mean full out, supernova, atom bomb, enough c-4 to level the planet, exploded. It has even thrown debris as far as my room. If anyone would care to volunteer to come tidy my apartment (ie fill it with water and swish it around for a bit), they would be more than welcome to. If not, you are still more than welcome to listen to the awesome show we have lined up for you this evening! We have the ultimate fight between lesbians and lesbos (what!?), the perks of supporting net neutrality (free sex!), and why you should not have sex with cows… Yeah.
Continue reading “Episode 57 – “Is That A Podcast In Your Pocket Or…””
Tag: knives
Alcohol and Knives Don’t Mix
A Russian electrician came away from a great night out drinking with his buddies only to find that he had a large knife driven four inches into his back. Yuri Laylin, 53, and some buddies were playing a variation of Russian roulette that led to the knife being shoved into his back. Russian roulette has never made much sense to me, and I don’t guess I would be a big fan of ANY variation of the incredibly stupid game. This variation of it is a pretty simple game really. You get a few friends together, get wasted, tie a blindfold around one guys eyes, give him a knife, then dance around him while he makes stabbing motions at you. Sounds like an exciting night!
Continue reading “Alcohol and Knives Don’t Mix”