After the Blast – Episode 11 – Disney Eats Marvel!

marvel-disney-4-ffThe “Disney buys Marvel” story became way too big for a random rabbit trail on Horseshoes & Hand Grenades so we decided to turn it into an After the Blast show in order to better analyze the situation and give the conversation more time to blossom. There are so many emotions surrounding this purchase in the fanboy community. From joy to rage, trust to suspicion, tears of sadness to tears of happiness, this thing has the geek community going absolutely nuts! So what does Horseshoes & Hand Grenades think about this acquisition? Tune in to find out!
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Running Time: 34:29

After the Blast – Episode 10 w/ Lil Will!

walgreensOk, well I jacked up the settings somehow on the show and we ended up having one of our favorite people, Lil Will, on the for ATB to share with us stories of working at a drug store. We also meandered into the realm of the new Batman Game that I do not yet have (everyone who does can, of course, die an unpleasant death — I am so freaking jealous), WoW and the joys of role-playing on a RP server that no one RP’s on, and the general enjoyment most people get when throwing feminine hygiene products 😀 ENJOY!?
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Running Time:  1:22:45

After the Blast w/ Chris Moreno – Episode 9

Chris MorenoOur good friend Chris Moreno decided to once again grace us with his present and take some time out to tell a story or two. Chris is the artist  behind such amazing works as Sanz Pantz: Ninja Platypus, Super Frat, Dysfunctianimals,  the current Toy Story series and a whole crap ton more. We were so glad to have Chris back AGAIN. Who’d have thought a crazy little show about odd news and weird crap would attract such awesome people. Thanks Chris for joining us again!
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Running Time: ~30 minutes

After the Blast w/ Chris Moreno

bio_chris-morenoChris Moreno! Oh, yeah, people… Chris Moreno graced us with his presence for a second time! We talked about all his amazing upcoming projects (how does the kid have time to sleep?), his lack of twitter-worthy day-to-day activities, and how he should make me my own Batman life sized art!
You see that pic right there? Yeah, that’s the man himself giving you the sexy stare. Oh you know you have to listen now!

Who Should Eat A Dick

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Running Time: 1:30:44

After The Blast – Episode 7

I cannot think of anything to write… instead I leave you with quotes from:
Hey, you know what sucks?
Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
black holes
Hey, you know what just isn’t cool?

We talked about Zach and Miri, Kevin Smith and how frakking cool he is, Halloween antics, Epic Fails, Glass in my Ass… and fleshlights >_> <_<

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Running Time: 50 minutes

After the Blast – Episode 6

Stephen had to go to the bathroom earlier… he RAN from the table and leaped over things, and dives into the bathroom. Then Steph and I hear a ring… and he stays in the bathroom for 15 mins while on the phone with his family. What the heck. We touched on The Blade Itself, new Clint Eastwood movie the Gran Torino, the upcoming Avengers movie, The ending to the movie version of Watchmen (compared to the actual ending… no spoilers for either), James Bond, Joaquin Phoenix retiring, and all sorts of geeky stuff. Join us next week and chat it up in the… chat!
Sorry for the late release!! I’ll do my penance tonight 😛

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After The Blast – Episode 5

Stephen and I have lost our minds. We are tired and laughing at everything. We sang about snakes on a star… and then I almost peed my pants laughing. We rambled on about Red Sonja, James Bond, Superman books, New Watchman preview in front of the James Bond movie so freaking excited!!), DragonLance Books. Coleman and Vash called in and argued over Orca and G1. I want to sleep now! Join us next week and call in for comics, movies, your mom and more!
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Running Time: 1 Hour

After the Blast 4 – Feat. Chris Moreno!

Chris Moreno joined us for an awesome (Stephen’s favorite word) hour of geekdom. The super comic artist was cool enough to skype us for this session of after the blast. Stephen and I were super excited to have him on, and it went really well! We talked about comic convention etiquette, animal feelings, all of his insane projects, and how friggen stupid Wicker Man was.
Chris Moreno’s work can be found at these places on the web:

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Running Time:  1:10:45

After The Blast – Episode 3

So, we went to Kroger and got chips, twix, pancake mix, and cinnamon buns (which Stephanie proceeded to burn) after our After the Blast segment. I am very, very happy! This show is turning out to be a lot of fun! We have some wicked regulars that make the chat sessions amazing and a fruitful expedition in expanding your mind to new movies, music, and novels. Next week we are freaking STOKED because Chris Moreno is coming on the show to talk about his upcoming projects! We rambled on about Indy 5 (ugh), Watchmen, Madame Xandue, Blindness, Eagle Eye, and a ton of other wonderful crap that you need to know!
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Running Time: 1:15

After The Blast – Episode Zwei

This after show, show is turning out to be a lot of fun! I’m stoked when people chose to stay and chill out with us instead of venturing out into the real world. We rambled on about a stupid fruit fly that was being annoying, Tim Burton’s Alice, Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, how cool I look in kitty ears, audio books, The Green Hornet, and how comic book stores can be 1337est or just awesome. Hit us up with pre-show questions that you want us to address for next week!
Continue reading “After The Blast – Episode Zwei”