Episode 101 – “Get That Out of Your Mouth!”

Poopy pottyOk, so again I cannot think of anything worthwhile to say. The show was fun, I couldn’t shut up, and Stephen got all the notes again. A lot of new ppl showed up again (woo woo!), and fat people too lazy to work receive tons of cash so they can keep not working, a man rigs up a saw and a dildo (ummm, bad kitty), brazillian waxes should be illegal, and a funny quote from bash.org 😀

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Episode ONE HUNDRED! – “Prehensile Boobies”

Rock onOk, so, in celebration of the 100th episode Stephen, Steph and I all went out with some buddies and had dessert. My dessert consisted of a Hurricane and Stephen’s consisted of half of a Amaretto sour (I finished the majority of it because he is a pansy).
I now have a killer headache, but the show was fan-freaking-tastic, the turn out was amazing, and we LOVE you guys so much. Thank you for making our 100th birthday so wonderful 😀

(Oh, and I think we got through some notes… Japanese man burns a hotel down to avoid wedding, man fakes funeral, man hits another man with a fish tank of three dollars, two penises, granny pr0n, moosey phate!)

Continue reading “Episode ONE HUNDRED! – “Prehensile Boobies””

Episode 99 – “Put Some Butter On Those Nipples”

eggsI am so beyond tired… I am not sure how I stayed away to do the show this Eve! I kept randomly talking about mice with dorsal penises..in fact, I fell asleep writing this! Stephen is going to call me in a bit and ask me where the intro is 😀
Stephen got amazing notes again this week! He also wore sunglasses during the recording, so you know the show has to be fantastic.

911 is not a dating service, your knees are not stronger than a bumper, 75 is not too old to have a baby, rotten eggs will apparently turn you on, and winning medals as a woman does not make you one o_O

Continue reading “Episode 99 – “Put Some Butter On Those Nipples””

Episode 98: “It’s Like a Straight Candy Cane”

watchpeanuts1HnH welcomes Jeebee and Bootsack to the chat! Today has been the weirdest day. I had to take the cat to the vet, i got an order from fedeX, but half of it was missing, a squirrel tried to attack me when I was driving home, and then some random person showed up in my driveway during the middle of the show o_O
That’s not as bad as being stabbed in the bum in the middle of church, getting locked INSIDE a car while trying to steal it, warm, wet holes, and naked SWAT teams!

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Episode 97: “I Can Poop When I Want To”

business-chimpI hold in my hands the coolest looking candy stick I have ever seen. It is a rainbow candy cane (well, a stick because there is no hook) and I totally didnt want to eat it because it looks so My Little Ponyish. My sister got it for me (along with hello kitty swag!) from PA last weekend. Also, it is nommy.
Well, this week was apparently animal week for HnH. Specifically dogs for some reason… attack dogs, dead dogs (zombie bow wow!), nose eating dogs, dogs named after political figures that have intestinal issues all over my neighbors home, dogs that marry 2 year olds in order to stave off tiger attacks… you name it we ramble about it!

Continue reading “Episode 97: “I Can Poop When I Want To””

Episode 96 – “Where Did All These Little People Come From?!”

cowpeefizzYay! I am back in town and live with Stephen (sooo happy). I also found out i have a peptic ulcer (aliens laid eggs in my chest) and I like spicy chicken. Nom. Also, batman beat up superman. It was so windy here today that a tree about fell on me (it did fall, but obviously missed me), a car was thrown off the highway, and building collapsed. I live in a state surrounded by mountains… we don’t have crap like this!!!
A kid who thinks it is abuse to take a bath once a week, a man who thinks it is ok to call 911 over lemonade, a florist who is allergic to flowers, soda pee (made by holy cows), and the poo mobile.

This show goes out to Vash’s father… good luck with your surgery Monday!

Continue reading “Episode 96 – “Where Did All These Little People Come From?!””

Episode 95 – “They are Totally Linguistic!!”

hugeboobsStephen and I got mega chatty and ridiculously giggley for this episode… which means the stories were amazing! I am not sure what was in the water, but Stephen about popped his eyeballs out a few time from laughing so hard. We talked about foot odor so bad it caused a ten year legal case, boobs so big they might explode, a drunken prank so lame that a bowl of half eaten beans were stolen, stark trek, fox pee, zombies, and pigeons down some guys pants!
Our thoughts go out to Matt and his family <3

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Episode 94 – “We Eat Crazy For Breakfast” (take two)

goatthiefWell, this is a tad late. Stephen and I tried to make it wonderful last eve… but Skype was laying down some thick layers of hate that made it impossible to understand each other through. Today, however, Skype was impressed with last nights virgin sacrifices… and allowed us to finish the show! Ignore the fact that I drank too much, and Stephen wears socks on his head. Thanks to all the new ppl that showed up(CmdrWalt, el-heffe, surprise_pants, bhyphen), and all our returning chatters! Voodoo, Scott, Frankie… we miss you!!!
Today we bring you, fugu balls, killer couches, two retarded cowboys, way too much poo being tossed around, evil, car robbing billy goats, and boobs that wanted to be free.

Yum baby corns!@#

Continue reading “Episode 94 – “We Eat Crazy For Breakfast” (take two)”

Episode 93 – “Socksballs on Your Head”

photo-7I can think of nothing of value to say, so I leave you with the musical stylings of Sailor Moon!
“Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight,
Never running from a real fight, she is the one named Sailor Moon. She will never turn her back on a friend. She is always there to defend. She is the one on whom we can depend. She is the one named Sailor MOON!”

Oh yeah!

Invincible Germans (AGAIN!?), Crab Swindler, Ball Throwing, Sink Gouging, Sink Stealing, and a man that crashed into a truck, a liquor store, a fence, another store, and a tree… b4 getting his ass thrown in jail 😀

Continue reading “Episode 93 – “Socksballs on Your Head””

Episode 92 – “It’s 2am In My Pants”

crazy-chickenSo, snowboarding was just… amazing. Stephen and I are so, so, SO very sore. You just cannot imagine how much energy strapping a board to your feet and hurling yourself down a mountain takes. Not to mention the bruised knees (worse than a week as a hooker), the bone chilling cold (especially when it rains all day), and the ridiculous amounts of money it drains from you.
What do hen-dogs, pig-fish, human-carpets, pee-soda, finger-chops, and 100 LBS of meat have in common?

They are all featured on episode 92! 😀

Continue reading “Episode 92 – “It’s 2am In My Pants””