I did this episode rather tipsy off my arse. I drank a bottle of Vampire Merlot that the wondiferous Brad B. got me for helping him carry heavy boxes. I think I shall forever to the show in a state of tipsyness. Stephen also did the show live (from his end) via camera and sticham on the site! This will probably become the trend. My room is a mess… someone come clean it immediately. Or you could check out our show and get paid to watch pr0n, have your penis bitten by a snake, have a baby you didn’t know you were carrying while wearing a bumble bee suit, or be chased away from your meal by a bear.
Continue reading “Episode 63 – “Mmm, Hot Monkey Cleavage!””
Tag: German
Episode 62 – “Porkchop Sandwiches!”
This week has been insane. I spent 24 hours straight (2 breaks for food) helping a friend move from his apartment (he had more crap then you could possibly imagine), came back home (3 hour drive) only to take my mum to the hospital! Pure Crap! Combine this with working and my mum’s broken foot and you have a recipe for no spare time! Good thing I have Stephen and H&H to turn to or I would be doing some BASE jumping without a chute. This week brings us a man who thought a porta-potty was a swimming pool, gassless sheep, an unhomeless homeless woman, and a naked maid that no one thought to watch clean.
Continue reading “Episode 62 – “Porkchop Sandwiches!””
eBay Baby
There are tons of weird things put up for auction on eBay every hour. There have been Jesus Pancakes, Mastodon Bones, and even “New Folders” for your Windows OS. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone offer up their baby, however — until now. Yes, dear readers, on Saturday, May 24th an eight-month-old child was offered up for bids on eBay. The German couple, apparently thinking changing diapers was not all it was cracked up to be, decided that they wanted to see if anyone would bid for their child. Continue reading “eBay Baby”
Episode 55 – “Someone PLEASE Get Me Some Cornbread!”
I went rock climbing in the wild today! I pissed off a crow and twisted my ankle. A friend was throwing leaves at me and I thought they were bees… so, I jumped. This German dude on our show jumped too; and he landed on a lady who had jumped the day before. Some other guy went and poo’d in a kid’s birthday basket. Normally, I would laugh, but the basket was full of DS games! There was also a group of people making a pr0n film at a McDonalds. None of this happened in the woods, but we do cover it all during our awesome show of DOOM!
Continue reading “Episode 55 – “Someone PLEASE Get Me Some Cornbread!””