Episode 91 – “Have You Ever Felt A Beaver?”

snowboardingWell, after a two week break… we are back! This is greatly annoying us that we missed two weeks, so we might do something fun to make up for that. Like… filming Stephen and I falling down the face of a mountain 😀
Blow up dolls, run away bride and groom (at the age of 5 and 6!), peeing on the bouncer, living in the freezer, and jail better than parents.

Pray that this ski trip doesnt kills us!

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Episode 90 LIVE – “Your Mom Wrote On My Wall”

china-swat-segwayI got a Batman for Christmas! It is so so so freaking badass! Stephen’s parents got me a happy happy evil wicked (insert comas) batman statue designed by George Perez (limited number), and I could die! I got shine Mk V Dc and I REALLY want to play right now! On that note, smoking dog, killer hippo, eggbeater hold up, plane hits a cow, and heart found at carwash.
I hope you have all your shopping done and Christmas is wonderful!

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Episode 89 – “Man, She’s Got BallZ!”

I found this clay stuff called “Sculpy” the other day and I am not totally obsessed with making mega cute animeish octopussys and presents and snowmen with mega cute bows and omg they are CUTE. Granted, I get them totally done, baked, painted… and I go to draw the face on and I always screw it up and have to repaint over the face and redraw the eyes 45 times. So annoying. Search out Sculpy on the nets and make cute things with me! Post pics on the forum… I think I will of the octy i just made. So amazingly adorable.
Oh… the show… brainless boys, nutty engines, mac attacks, evil red pens, and nothing is more natural than a beaver… o_O

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Episode 88 – “I Am The Pickle Soup!”

My throat, it pains me! I am making warm milk and honey and lemon juice and rum… so after about 10 mins… NOTHING will pain me! We had a killer turn out this week in the live chat (thank you all so much for showing up!), and the notes were very full of poo. Yuck! Funny, but Yuck! Don’t forget to check out the forum for naked pictures (I’m sure someone will post some eventually), and get on Stormrage in WoW. Oshen and Kizmeth 😀
Missing boobies, slow asses, toilets that aren’t toilets, taking dumps in real toilets, Christmas tree weapons, and a 9 year olds wisdom on girls.

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Episode 87 – “It’s Like a Face Enema!”

Wow, so this last week was a BLUR. Family coming in, my 8-year-old nephew learning to text, his 4-year-old friend learning my name and the phrase “come on!”… it was a blast, but I’m so glad it is few and far between. Stephen and I are sorry for the lateness, but who can blame us during this family oriented time. Granted my family was sick and tried to pass their zombie ebola virus to me… so I hid 😀
We have toe fetishes, sticky mexicans, polish pranksters, reindeer poo, gay penguins, and lesbian polar bears (oh my!). Hope everyone enjoyed their break!

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Episode 86 – “Tonight We Fight With Knives!”

Shine and I were both exhausted for this episode… so it sounds like we are drunk off our faces. That fun filter that goes between your brain and your mouth is very not there for this ep! I’m going to sleep for 5 years after I write this. Maybe a week at least… so I can skip all the family crap that goes along with the holidays 😀
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Pop on the forum and tell us what you are thankful for (besides us, of course).

Sammich attacks, 5$ bribes, depressed birds, 4 legged chicks (woo hoo), and one guy who went back to jail after escaping. Fail

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Episode 85 – “I Like It Shaken AND Stirred”

The show is LATE… late late for a very important date! Shine decided to finish off the rest of the left over alcohol from his wine and cheese party, and he is freaking hyper and insane, and not entirely sure when he has crossed that line that most people don’t cross when they are sober. Thanks for the patience with our lateness… real life cuts into our podcasting! This episode contains the following ingredients:
Stolen churches, coffin killers, cheesy beat down, armless robbery, disgruntled bank robbers.

Please enjoy responsibly.

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Episode 84 – “Have You Pooped Today?”

*yawn* I am so tired! Stephen is winding up all the cords from the show and Stephanie has ganked my DS to play Zensations Rainforest. Apparently, it is addicting. I want nothing more than to curl up in a nice warm bed and sleep for a year. Too bad I have a stupid paper to write (been trying for the last three days) and I really need to clean my room. Will someone please come clean my room? It has literally exploded. I guess I can listen to our show and laugh about exploding eggs, toilet seats fighting back, Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined, and blowtorches that think they are brooms.
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Episode 83 – “The Moo Moo Inferno”

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, you worthless wretches of society; you scoundrels that feed on the underbelly of our world! I hope you enjoy dressing as whores and the damned; may your roamings lead to copious amounts of candy and alcohol… and may you wake up with the worst hangover you’ve had in three years Saturday morning. Sell your wife on a car site, more suicide squirrels (these attacks are more and more frequent), squirrel on the menu, man gets stuck in toilet, dirty diaper BBQ, powdered milk bomb, and a mouse eating block of cheese!
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Episode 82 – “Where Do You Get That Much Ostrich”

I have laughed so hard the last two hours, that I’m pretty sure I am going to just throw up and die. My stomach is in pain, and I wanna curl up in bed and pass out. I spent three hours driving back up here, then another 30 going to a costume shop to get my hat for my costume, then sat for 2 more hours doing the shows. My butt hurts, I’m so tired… and I seriously just can’t laugh anymore. Woman attacks cops with a used girly item, a man pees on a dog in horny ire, a beach goes missing, and a man leaves his thumb at a brothel. I can has sleep now?
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