We have to postpone Thursday night’s show. Some events criss-crossed :(. We’ll be doing the LIVE show at the same time but on FRIDAY instead of Thursday. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you guys can still make it!
Category: Shows
Episode 81 – “You Dead, And Then You Undead”
Ok, so, I’m sitting here thinking of what to write for our EIGHTY FIRST episode… and my sister jumps out of her seat, starts going “OOO, OH OH OH OH OooOooO!” and prancing her feet around. Thinking something was attacking her, I fling my laptop aside and jump up to. I look to my right and Stephen is STANDING on the chair he was previously sitting on. He didn’t want the fleck of dust (vicious creatures) that was attacking Stephanie to gnaw on his feet. Anyway, Stephen drank a gallon of coffee tonight and was really hyper, and we had a ton of really fun notes: tazer pig, flaming squirrel, drunk horse, diaper boxing gloves, and two cases of missing things (cows and nuts).
Continue reading “Episode 81 – “You Dead, And Then You Undead””
Episode 80 – “It’s Nawt a Tumah!”
This was an amazing live episode, and I love every damn one of you for showing up, calling in, and chatting away on the site. We had a call in from Chris Moreno (yay fan girl!), and a crap ton of deliriously retarded notes. Well, I really… REALLY want a twix from Kroger, and in order to obtain said sweet nom noms I must finish and save this. So, without further adieu: a snake eating mouse, a head eating snake, a killer dolphin, a gang-banger stove, and a defenseless sheep are all on the agenda for this our EIGHTIETH episode!
Special thanks to Chris Moreno!
Onward to my twiX!
Episode 79 – “Someone Is Burning A Fire”
Hey Everybody! I’m sitting in a restaurant shortly before this episode is supposed to come out and typing this on my iPhone. That pretty much means that this intro will be short. I hope you guys enjoy the show as much as we did. Our show was packed with the usual insane and disgusting news that you guys have come to know and love. Including, but not limited to, cooking with balls, crazy Mexican condom van thieves, a misdiagnosed old dude, and a ketchup stealing bandit! Enjoy the show!
Continue reading “Episode 79 – “Someone Is Burning A Fire””
Episode 78 – “Hang On To Your Gonads!”
I am currently being harassed by a fruit fly. I want it to spontaneously combust… but it is not cooperating with me. Jerk. I was so tired right before we started the show. The fear of falling asleep mid sentence was lurking in the corner, but — per usual — doing the show with Stephen makes me insanely hyper (omg, the fruit fly is buzzing around my head now?!) and I had a BLAST! And, although I predicted last week that I wouldn’t be able to find notes… there were a ton this week as well! Someone must be sacrificing hookers to the note gods for us… thank you! SO glad Voodoo could be back with us this week! Vash turned 18 on Wednesday, and we had new listeners; Starkk (our wow buddy), and Susie-Q! Pigzilla returns, I ate your mom, WV blows and we will tell you why, and finally: reminders why we should not taze naked people.
Continue reading “Episode 78 – “Hang On To Your Gonads!””
After the Blast – Episode ONE!
Since Stephen and I have started hanging out in the chat after the show, we have covered a lot of fun and interesting topics! Comics, movies, books, podcasts, directors, music, technology, fuzzy hand cuffs vs. leather bondage cuffs… you know, perfectly normal things. It has really been a blast — har har. We decided that the conversations needed recorded because of their awesomeness. So, join us in the chats after the show… even if you cannot make the actual show! We are a bit more relaxed, and there is no format. We talk about whatever is brought up in chat and then some. Special thanks to all our regulars… you make it so much fun to do what we do!
Continue reading “After the Blast – Episode ONE!”
Episode 77 – “What Kind of Nuts Are These?”
We had sooooo many notes this week. I had to cut down on half of them, and we even did mid-show cuts to keep the time down. 20$ that next week I won’t be able to find a single note! I guess stupidity runs in bouts. If the amount of stupid is used up for a month in a weeks time… then everyone tends to behave the rest of the month. Which is good in practice, but oh so annoying for those of us that gather notes. Good thing that people decided to screw car bumpers in public, hang upside down in protest, cook with breast milk, claim they are a “special agent from the United States Illuminati, badge number 0931”, and steal their daughter’s I.D. so they can become a cheerleader…
Vibes go out to Voodoo this week… get better! <3
Continue reading “Episode 77 – “What Kind of Nuts Are These?””
Episode 76 – “The Universe? Great! Let’s Blow It Up!”
So, I have to get up at 5am tomorrow to make a 10am appointment 3 hours away. They are taking my splints off! Woo woo! Too bad I havent been going to bed till 7ish… and I slept until 3 today >L< I will be one very sleepy Smashface by evening on Friday… BUT I will be able to BREATHE
This show was filmed on Stephen’s new camera! He is every happy over it. Thanks to Vash for helping me search for show notes today. This episode is chock full of bags of poo, spilt beer, butt bandits, spicy sausage assaults and more! Thanks again to everyone who turned up on chat! It was a blast ^_^
And to the ppl on our forum… let’s all send some happy vibes to Voodoo this week. She is a sad panda
Continue reading “Episode 76 – “The Universe? Great! Let’s Blow It Up!””
Episode 75 – “I Have A Mango In My Teeth!”
Hurricane nom nom nom! I snuck into my sister’s room and attacked her with mounds of Homework so I could get back to doing the show! It sucked being benched for two weeks. I still sound really stuffy and retarded, and it hurts to laugh… but it was totally worth it for this weeks notes
We had a really good turn out on the live recording (thanks to Ed El our newest listener!), so make sure to check us out live next Thursday at 8pm E! I wanna hurry up and get this finished because WoW is calling to me! We are on Stormrage, so join us! Stephen is “Oshen” and I am “Kizmeth”. While you are installing the game you can listen to us tell you about importing wives, sexist parking spots, murderous fish food, Tramp Stamps, and Cinderella’s boob!
Continue reading “Episode 75 – “I Have A Mango In My Teeth!””
Episode 74 – “Cute People Don’t Poop”
Here we are again with another episode that is Ashley-less, but that does NOT mean that it is fun-less! We had an absolute blast doing this show and loved the chat room participation this week. Major thanks to Vash and his little brother for lending us the Factoid of the Week sound. They did some great work and we loved it. This weeks episode is incredibly funny and has everything from a fearless cockapoo to underwire wielding suspected terrorists! Download and enjoy!