We had sooooo many notes this week. I had to cut down on half of them, and we even did mid-show cuts to keep the time down. 20$ that next week I won’t be able to find a single note! I guess stupidity runs in bouts. If the amount of stupid is used up for a month in a weeks time… then everyone tends to behave the rest of the month. Which is good in practice, but oh so annoying for those of us that gather notes. Good thing that people decided to screw car bumpers in public, hang upside down in protest, cook with breast milk, claim they are a “special agent from the United States Illuminati, badge number 0931”, and steal their daughter’s I.D. so they can become a cheerleader…
Vibes go out to Voodoo this week… get better! <3
Continue reading “Episode 77 – “What Kind of Nuts Are These?””
Author: Smashie
Episode 76 – “The Universe? Great! Let’s Blow It Up!”
So, I have to get up at 5am tomorrow to make a 10am appointment 3 hours away. They are taking my splints off! Woo woo! Too bad I havent been going to bed till 7ish… and I slept until 3 today >L< I will be one very sleepy Smashface by evening on Friday… BUT I will be able to BREATHE 😀
This show was filmed on Stephen’s new camera! He is every happy over it. Thanks to Vash for helping me search for show notes today. This episode is chock full of bags of poo, spilt beer, butt bandits, spicy sausage assaults and more! 😀 Thanks again to everyone who turned up on chat! It was a blast ^_^
And to the ppl on our forum… let’s all send some happy vibes to Voodoo this week. She is a sad panda 🙁
Continue reading “Episode 76 – “The Universe? Great! Let’s Blow It Up!””
Episode 75 – “I Have A Mango In My Teeth!”
Hurricane nom nom nom! I snuck into my sister’s room and attacked her with mounds of Homework so I could get back to doing the show! It sucked being benched for two weeks. I still sound really stuffy and retarded, and it hurts to laugh… but it was totally worth it for this weeks notes 😀 We had a really good turn out on the live recording (thanks to Ed El our newest listener!), so make sure to check us out live next Thursday at 8pm E! I wanna hurry up and get this finished because WoW is calling to me! We are on Stormrage, so join us! Stephen is “Oshen” and I am “Kizmeth”. While you are installing the game you can listen to us tell you about importing wives, sexist parking spots, murderous fish food, Tramp Stamps, and Cinderella’s boob!
Continue reading “Episode 75 – “I Have A Mango In My Teeth!””
Episode 72 – “He Won’t Recognize Me By My Butt”
This is late. Just in case you were confused. We had a good reason for it being late, though. Stephen moved up here, so from now on we will have live shows! Granted, my face is finally getting rearranged this Thursday, so I won’t be in the game for at least a week. I ran out after the show to see Tropic Thunder. It was completely ridiculous… like our show this week! We found so many amazingly retarded people doing so many amazingly retarded things. Giant, inflatable poo, 20 min peep shows, Burger King baths, and train tunnels too small for the trains. I’ll miss you guys!
Continue reading “Episode 72 – “He Won’t Recognize Me By My Butt””
Episode 71 – “Something That Big Ought To Give Milk”
This week has been very hard on my sleep schedule. I have not got any! I’ve been rather grumpy too. Sometimes it is just SO much fun to be grumpy. However, I had yummy, deliciouso wine during this episode and I am hyper as all hell 😀 Stephen ended up having to pull my weight because of the lack of internets and got all the notes again this week. A few people showed up at my door earlier. I was asleep on the couch and having awesome dreams… and I hear this banging and yelling about the police. I go to the door and there are my friends… DRIPPING WET. Im talking totally submerged into a tank of water and dripping on my doorstep. There is no water leading up to the puddle they are standing in (it is a wooden walk way and water shows up easily), and when they walked away it left a trail. Tell me how that happened? Listen in for a woman fighting a lion with a machete while perched on a donkey! You know you wanna know 😀 Continue reading “Episode 71 – “Something That Big Ought To Give Milk””
Episode 70 – “Do Squirrels Have Nuts?”
The word “salad” implies something light and crunchy and yummy. So, when I made a taco salad, I was looking forward to not feeling like a very stuffed sausage afterwords. However, I apparently more taccoed and less saladed my taco salad… and I feel like a turkey on thanksgiving – stuffed. I also forgot what day it was today and barely made it home in time for the live show; which is not really the best thing in the world for a co-host to do! Anyway, the show was awesome and a special thanks to everyone that turned out! The show was a bit gross this week, eating bugs, being impaled in the groin by a rusty spike, having one’s penis fall off in the midst of sex… you know, pretty standard stories for us 😀 Continue reading “Episode 70 – “Do Squirrels Have Nuts?””
Man 4gets Wife… On Top of Car
I hate to admit this, but I am guilty of setting things atop my Jeep while I open the driver door… and then forgetting I sat whatever it was atop said Jeep. This wouldn’t be such a problem if 95% of us didn’t take off down the road with coffee cups, folders, and wives still on top of our moving vehicles. Yeah… wives.
Continue reading “Man 4gets Wife… On Top of Car”
Episode 69 – “Put This On Your Crotch”
Somehow — completely unintentional on our part, of course — we ended up having a ton of stories with the number 69 in it for our awesomely perverted 69th episode. 69 year old pool-o-phile, 1969 founding date of the Jim Smith foundation, 69 million cats, 69 thousand carp pedicures. Ok, so maybe I fudged the numbers a tad, but whose counting? I’m just glad to be back! 69 times happier to be back then you could even imagine. 😀
Continue reading “Episode 69 – “Put This On Your Crotch””
Episode 67 – “One Extraordinary Nutsack!”
So, obviously my surgery was a no go… damned worthless nurses! Oh, well. I get to see Hellboy and Batman when they come out… that is all that really matters! Stephen and I had an interesting last week. It is hard to believe he was just here! Alas, no he is back in FL, and we are left with audio issues. So lame. I guess it is better then battle bot granny style, skinned cat hats, shooting your kneecap off to get a mouse, and falling under a car for two days while no one notices you are gone…
This episode is dedicated to Vash’s friend Steve. We are praying for your recovery <3
Continue reading “Episode 67 – “One Extraordinary Nutsack!””
Episode 66 – “The Fire Burns Red!”
Stephen is up in good old, lame arse WV this weekend for one last show before I get my face rearranged via surgery. On July 10th I am having a freaking horrible 3 hour minimum surgery on my nose (nasal septal perforation… wtf?!) and I will be out cold that day… and probably that week. So, this was my farewell show for a good week or so; but I will be back after my short hiatus, if all goes well. Happy 4th of July to all those that live in the USA (and a small apology to those of a more British origin… we still love you). Enjoy the fireworks, the hotdogs, and the time with friends and family. Also, enjoy a man stabbing his mother with a fork, and clocking another woman with a frozen chicken, a robber that likes to hug his victims, and the poor woman who had her toes gnawed off by her stupid mini-dog. Ouch.
Happy Birthday USA!